Outrage over old tires being dumped in the Rhine lowland canal

Illegal waste tire disposal

In Alt-Dettenheim, a considerable amount of 23 old tires were disposed of in the Rhine lowland canal between February 29rd and 2024th, 100, causing great consternation among the members of the Liedolsheim Nature and Fishing Friends. The club's press spokesman, Mario Hacker, expressed his incomprehension about the reckless act that spread the tires along the canal. Despite the efforts of some club members to recover the tires, the situation remains challenging, especially when the tires are filled with water and difficult to handle.
The association, which regularly takes part in clean-up operations, is now facing unprecedented pollution and is calling on citizens to be vigilant and report suspicious activity. The State Water Authority in the Karlsruhe Regional Council is responsible for removing the tires.



Source: https://www.ka-news.de/fotos/bilddetail/altreifen-dettenheim-cme-2337143

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