In many communities and municipalities it is customary to Old tires to bring to the public depot as an end consumer. What happens to the tires there?
Public depots must contact certified disposal companies, as they not only Old tires from customers, but also various other household and garden waste. Citizens can take the tires to a recycling center near them, but these usually do not have the necessary capacity to dispose of the waste themselves. Instead, depots only store the used tires temporarily and commission an external company with the professional disposal of used tires. It is therefore also the duty of care of communities, municipalities and their recycling centers to carefully select the appropriate disposal company. Work together with a ZARE partner and give the driver a good feeling, because certified old tire disposal companies recycle professionally and in an environmentally friendly manner. You can also pass this information on to your citizens!
There are legal regulations for disposal. Find out more about the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrW-/AbfG):

The ZARE initiative gives you security
The ZARE partner offer qualitative and professional scrap tire disposal – 19 reliable scrap tire disposal companies near you! With us at your side, you can guarantee drivers professional old tire recycling and thus be sure that dubious used tire disposer don't accumulate illegal tire dumps in your home forests. In this way you protect the environment in your region - not only will the existing flora and fauna thank you, but citizens will also appreciate the service of qualitative advice. At the same time you strengthen your own economy by supporting local companies with the used tire disposer commission and do not be fooled by non-certified companies.
If you want to be on the safe side, that you have your old tires taken to a professional used tire disposer left, just dispose of exclusively about ZARE partner – you are definitely on the safe side! With the BRV certificate and the additional ZARE quality feature, you can rely on the professionalism of the old tire disposal company and hand in your old tires there with a clear conscience. This is the only way to guarantee that your waste disposal company will comply with the legal regulations and recycle in an environmentally friendly manner.
Dispose of tires - protect the environment
Municipalities, municipalities and public companies can set a good example when it comes to sustainability by: Old tires Dispose of via certified waste disposal companies. Set an example for environmental protection - with responsible, environmentally friendly disposal of used tires! No matter which tires you want to dispose of: The Partners of the ZARE initiative are the right contacts for your concerns.