Sustainable waste tire disposal

give rubber for the future

The environmentally friendly disposal of used tires is an ecological challenge that should not be underestimated. Around 600.000 tons of old tires accumulate every year:

Assuming an average weight of 10 kg per tire, that's almost 60 million old tires that have to be disposed of so that the mountain doesn't grow into infinity at some point.

When disposing of used tires, sustainability must be the top priority. In order to avoid damage to people and the environment, it is essential to dispose of old tires at certified companies. These companies ensure that used tires are recycled in the best possible way and that valuable raw materials remain in the recycling cycle for as long as possible.

Illegal deposits bring with them numerous dangers and disadvantages and are also punishable by law. In addition, they are unnecessary: ​​when changing tires, the old tires can be handed in to the dealer or workshop. Vehicle owners should make sure in advance that the companies take care of the serious disposal of used tires.   

Sustainable waste tire disposal
Various options for processing and disposing of used tires

Various options for processing and disposing of used tires

Luckily, there are various ways to deal with the growing problem of the high volume of scrap tires. A common recycling method is the Export: Tires with sufficient tread can be exported to countries where regulations are less strict or vehicles travel at low speeds due to poor road conditions.

The tires will simply continue to be used there. Another form of recycling is retreading: worn but otherwise intact tires are given a new tread and can be reused. The proportion of retreaded summer car tires in Germany is now insignificantly below 1%.

The retreaded commercial vehicle tires in Germany account for almost 30% of the commercial vehicle tire replacement market. More than 15 million truck and bus tires are used throughout the EU every year. Of these, around 8 million are new tires and more than 6 million are retreads. Tires that are not suitable for export or retreading are either thermally disposed of, i.e. burned industrially for energy, or processed into rubber powder and granules. Rubber powder is an incredibly versatile material for which new areas of application are constantly being found.

Know-how is essential

To the Old tires Before they can be used for their new purpose, they must first be examined and sorted in the responsible disposal companies: a responsible task and a basic requirement for sustainable disposal or resource-saving recycling. However, technical know-how and the appropriate systems are also required for the subsequent processing into rubber powder. Tires are not only made of rubber, but also of metal and textile fibers. Before the rubber can be ground, these valuable materials must be separated from one another. Only then is it processed into coarse granules or fine flour, depending on the intended use. Tire recycling is a crucial aspect of our commitment to environmental sustainability at The Initiative ZARE. We bring together reputable and responsible tire recyclers and reclamation experts who prioritize the proper disposal and processing of used tires. With our advanced techniques and processes, we efficiently convert old tires into valuable resources, contributing to a circular economy and minimizing waste.

When it comes to sustainability, resource conservation is an important measure when disposing of used tires. Thanks to their expertise, certified disposal companies ensure that worn tires remain in the recycling cycle for as long as possible. In the spirit of the circular economy, for example, the rubber from old tires can be processed into new products when they are no longer suitable for retreading.

Also Municipalities and municipalities must fulfill their responsibility for climate improvement when it comes to properly disposing of end users' used tires. Public depots usually work with waste disposal companies because they do not have enough of their own capacity for waste disposal. To ensure that citizens know how to dispose of their old tires safely, municipalities and municipalities should work with certified waste disposal companies.

Sustainable waste tire disposal
Sustainable waste tire disposal

Rubber powder: Material with a future

Rubber powder is used today in road construction, among other things, where it ensures greater stability and flexibility when mixed with asphalt. The soft material is used on sports fields and playgrounds in the design of resilient running tracks that are easy on the joints or as fall protection.
It is also used in the production of gaskets, coatings, adhesives, fillers and even shoe soles. Other areas of application are being tested: it is hoped, for example, that the material can be used in the construction of water filters in the future. 

Who knows why worn-out tires can still be good at some point? The prerequisite for being able to use this hidden potential of old tires in the future is professional repair scrap tire disposal.

Promotional package for tire service companies and garages

The campaign package for tire service companies and garages

Make a significant contribution to sustainability and show your customers that you only dispose of waste tires through certified waste tire disposal companies.