Old tires found on the forest path

Old tires found on the forest path

Over 50 old tires were illegally disposed of on a forest path in Großwelzheim. The police suspect that this illegal dumping of old tires occurred between Saturday evening, January 16th and Sunday afternoon, January 17th, 2024. Investigations are ongoing and the Alzenau police station is accepting information from witnesses on 06023/944-0.



Source: https://aschaffenburg.news/polizei/204928-gro%C3%9Fwelzheim-50-altreifen-unerlaubt-entsorgt.html

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Illegal waste tire disposal

Old tire discovery in Wustrow

Between October 14 and 20, 2024, large quantities of old tires were repeatedly disposed of illegally in the municipality of Wustrow. Source: https://www.ejz.de/blaulicht/altreifen-illegal-entsorgt-id385023.html https://www.ejz.de

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